The Center for Problem Gambling employs evidenced based practices in the treatment and recovery of gambling disorder, including:
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy
- Motivational Interviewing
- Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
- Gorski-CENAPS Relapse Prevention Counseling
- Peer Recovery Coach Services
- Nutritional Counseling for Recovery
- Financial Management for Recovery
- Primary Care Counseling
- Harm Reduction Counseling
The Center for Problem Gambling endorses the perspective of Multiple Pathways to Recovery; thus, supporting such pathways as Medication Assisted Recovery, SMART Recovery and Faith Based Recovery and Non-Secular based programs as well as traditional 12 Step options. . Additionally, many come to our program who decline the goal of total abstinence; hence, we offer Moderation Management counseling to increase the safety of those individuals who choose to continue to gamble in moderation.